How To Connect Your Popshoplive Account With Instagram Using CommentChat – Comment Automation

Prerequisite 1: Configure Or Confirm that your Instagram account is set up for Comment Automation

This pre-requisite step needs to be completed on the Instagram Mobile App. Meta does not provide the UI to do this on the web version of Instagram. You need to check a couple of things on your Instagram account:

  1. Your account is set up as a creator or business account
  2. You have Instagram messaging correctly enabled for your account

Step by Step:

A) First Check or Set your Account to be a Professional Instagram Account

  1. Open Instagram and go to Settings and Privacy
  2. Scroll down
    1. If you are already a creator or a business you will see a ‘For Professionals‘ section. If you have this section, you are already a Creator or Business.
    2. If your account is still a personal account you will see an ‘Account Type and Tools‘ menu
    3. Click on that and then click on ‘Switch to Professional Account‘ on the next screen – Follow the steps on screen to convert your Instagram account into a professional account

B) Now Enable Messaging to make sure CommentChat can respond to messages on your behalf

  1. Go to Settings and Privacy on Instagram using the top right hamburger menu icon
  2. Scroll down to ‘messages and story replies
  3. Then click on ‘message controls‘ in the next page
  4. On the next screen scroll down to ‘Connected Tools‘ and Enable ‘Allow Access to Messages‘ 

Thats it. You are done with setting your Instagram for comment automation.

Prerequisite 2: Create a Facebook Page and Connect it with your Instagram Account

This pre-requisite step needs to be completed on a laptop or desktop computer. Meta does not provide the UI to do this on mobile phones or iPads. Please watch the video carefully and connect your Instagram account to your existing or new Facebook page.

Configuring CommentChat  within PSL

After you have confirmed/set up the pre-requisites noted above, please follow the steps below to easily connect your Popshoplive account to Comment Automation tool for your Instagram account using .

Using a Computer:

  • Step 1: Go to your Popshoplive Seller Dashboard on your Computer or Laptop (NOT on your phone) –
  • Step 2: Make sure you are logged into Facebook on your Computer and then Click on CommentChat from the left menu bar
  • Step 3: Confirm that you have completed the listed prerequisites (also specified above in this article) and then click on the ‘Get Started’ Button. You will see a connection confirmation animation. Within a few seconds you will get a ‘Confirmation Screen’ which will ask you to Continue on the Popshoplive Shopify Mobile App

Using your Mobile Phone:

  • Step 4: Go to the Popshoplive Mobile App and Login with your Seller Account
  • Step 5: Click on your profile logo at the bottom right to go your ‘Mobile Admin Screen’
  • Step 6: Click on ‘Create CommentChat’ from the tools and follow on-screen instructions as showcased in the video below